Pottsville Area Little League
Pottsville Area Little League has baseball playing opportunities open to children from the ages 4 through 12 years old. The league holds online and in-person sign-ups in December and January each year. The regular season runs from March through June with selected All Stars continuing in June and July.
Tee Ball = Ages 4-7 years old
Minor League = Ages 7-11 are eligible
Major Division = Ages 9-12 are eligible
Website: https://clubs.bluesombrero.com/pottsvilleareall
Email: PottsvilleAreaLittleLeague@gmail.com
Facebook: Pottsville Area Little League
President: Matt Harrison
Vice President: Mark Chiccini
Secretary: Rob Lynn
Treasurer: Mark Kaylan
Player Agent: John Verdensky
Information Officer: Jamie O’Brien
Safety Officer: Kelly Chapman
LL Commissioner: Matt Spiess
ML Commissioner: Bobby Bayer
Tee Ball Commissioner: Gary Brennan
Coaching Coordinator: Joe Quirk
Umpire In-Chief: Jeremy Maroukis