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Planetarium Refurbishment

Mr. Portland in the Planetarium

Statement by School Board President Ms. Linda Wytovich during Committe of the Whole

meeting on January 10, 2024 :

Thank you Mr. Portland for your excellent presentation to share the capabilities of our new Planetarium system and dome, which was established in 1966 through Federal Title I funding.  We are excited to now possess the largest and most modern School District Planetarium in Pennsylvania with a library of expanded options for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) topics.  Pottsville Area High School continues to be one of only four (4) schools in Pennsylvania with both a planetarium and an observatory, which is where our telescope is located.

The Board appreciates Mr. Portland for teaching Astronomy and serving as Lead Science Teacher.  We appreciate his dedication and research with Spitz Inc. as well as PAHS Principal Mrs. Hummel for her commitment and planning around this construction to support Astronomy and science programming.  Furthermore, we are grateful to numerous administrators and staff for (1) identifying the Planetarium for ESSER II funds before it became completely inoperable and (2) the perseverance to ensure the plan was properly executed:

  • Federal Programs Coordinator Mrs. Larish for her initiative, oversight, and reporting for ESSER funding and all federal funds
  • Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds Mr. Ditzler for balancing his typical responsibilities with this construction and numerous other facilities projects on campus at any given time this past summer and fall
  • Business Manager Mrs. Stair for creating the Request for Proposal and ensuring we are in compliance with regulations and timelines
  • Director of Curriculum Dr. Gerace for organizing professional development for our Science educators to provide our students an edge in college and career
  • Head Custodian Mr. Ross for the work of his staff before, during, and after the Planetarium was assembled
  • Superintendent Dr. Yoder for spearheading this team of professionals with her leadership and having the foresight to preserve history and prioritize immersive learning experiences that are second to none

To my fellow Board members, including preceding Board President Dr. Cardamone and Vice President Dr. Blankenhorn, thank you for being attentive to our community’s needs and having confidence in the administrative team’s recommendation to invest in our children’s future.  Facilities Chairman Mr. Urban, we appreciate the time and energy you and your committee have devoted to the Planetarium and other concerns throughout the District.  Our former Junior Board member Angelina Madonna shared last year that her future career goal was to work at NASA.  I have faith that the Board will financially plan to maintain this gem, so the equipment and/or dome will not be put at risk for future generations.  Without the Board’s prudence, this project would not have come to fruition.  We look forward to the new capabilities of the Planetarium providing the opportunity to increase the District’s educational impact on Kindergarten through 12th grade students as well as community groups within and beyond the Pottsville Area School District


Republican Herald Article


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